You asked about fear.
Fear is a concept you hold which allows you to name a set of physical, mental and emotional behaviours resulting at times when you feel the absence of your soul strength. When you are in fear, and disconnected from your soul strength, you are disconnected from your heart center and you feel vulnerable with respect to what is happening around you.
Your heart knows there is nothing to fear because it is unified with the one mind. Your human mind knows this too when it connects through the heart, but when it does not it is forced to rely upon old data, beliefs and strategies for its input.
Your mind thinks it is here to master the world and it doesn't like feeling fear, so whenever it does it puts up defenses to banish the threat or the feeling of fear. Since fear has always been so avoided you have never had the opportunity to find and heal the original pain underneath the fear.
The following was an interaction which the guides lead me through. The energies are available to you by reading the words below. Still your mind and meditate a few minuets before beginning. Read one paragraph at a time and pause at the end of each paragraph to meditate and allow the energies to complete before you move on to the next paragraph.
We would like to aid you in that healing by assisting you with a reconnection to your lost soul fragment.
You will be offered an energy which is the fragment of self that departed a long time ago because it felt threatened. We will return it to you if you wish.
1. Begin by holding your hands together in front of your chest and open your system to receive the healing energy which is being delivered to you now.
2. Once you feel an energy moving through you ask to receive it through your system and then open your hands, palm up, in front of you and we will return your soul fragment into them.
3. Once you feel your energy fragment has arrived in your hands, bring your hands toward your heart center and let them rest there on your chest holding your soul fragment close.
4. Continue holding the fragment. Now using another energy we are cleansing old beliefs, patterns, strategies and yes, fears out of your physical, mental and emotional self. You will feel the energy flowing out through the front of your body even as you hold your hands over your soul fragment, protecting it from the discharging energies.
5. Once you feel the flow of released energy has finished, invite the soul fragment to enter your physical body and ask that it merge with all of your other energies.
Congratulations! You have removed interfering energies which have kept you from this aspect of yourself and you have restored it to its natural home.
We are pleased to have been of service and will continue to be so. You need only ask.
It’s Over
5 days ago