Wouldn't it be wonderful if what we see as NORMAL wasn't even real and we could create anything else instead?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Disipline and Commitment Unplugged

Its good to be back on the page!
I was on another "page" for a while, mostly unwritten but thoroughly experienced.

My year of travelling has wound down and I am home in Saskatoon for the winter. I haven't even put all the photos up on the blog yet but I will finish that off soon.

One incredible thing I did in August this year was attend a 10-ceremony Ayahuasca tour at Blue Morpho in Peru. It was my best tour ever and almost impossible to describe.

Every once in a while though, someone writes something nice which helps provide a clearer picture of what Ayahuasca Shaminism is and why people go there.
Here is an article called Mareado On The Nauta Road . Mareado, is what you are after an Ayauhasca ceremony when still feeling the effects such as mild visual disturbances. The Nauta Road is the road from Iquitos to the Blue Morpho Camp. The article is a guest post by Chris Kilham on the Dawn On The Amazon website. Dawn On The Amazon offer tours and they have a very nice restaurant with outside seating in the shade. Their Captain's Blog contains interesting stories from the region.

Chris Kilham is the founder of the Ayahuasca Test Pilots. He is the FOX News Medicine Hunter, and travels regularly to Peru. He has a web site called Medicine Hunter.

So that's my story. I had great intentions of writing and channelling lots but I guess life just goes where it goes. How do I ever manage to hold a job??? I am home for the winter though and I feel that commitment building again. Wheee!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The lyrics from a Pink song

If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
It's all how you use it

Friday, June 17, 2011

Question and Answer on Saftey.

This question is from a woman living in BC, Canada. She asks:

"I'm wondering if my two children and I are in a 'safe' place here?"

She says "I just finished reading the amazing story "The Gathering of Eagles" and believe that we're heading towards a new, better world that I hope we will enter peacefully."

Her guides provided this response:

You are asking "are we safe here?" when what you mean to ask is "do we need to fear?"

You are as safe there as you would be anywhere from accidents, natural disasters and the actions of others. You are always held within the love of the creator of the universe, within the whole of the I AM. You cannot be anywhere but there no matter where you might think you are. You are aware that your physical form is not permanent and that it will cease to exist at some point. We cannot give you a time line for that as it is dependant upon many things but you must realize that you will continue to exist even beyond death.

That being said we know that you are longing for the new world. and we know you want to be an instrument in its creation. We assure you that the change which began slowly many years ago is now being accomplished at an amazing speed. It is not possible to stop the changes from completing so you need not worry about that even though there are those who still point to all the darkness in the world. Many souls still have darkness to release and they may create alarming scenarios while they wrestle with those changes.

Your role is to hold space for the light in the world, teach those who come to you for guidance and try to see the light within all people.

For yourself you must locate a group or an individual who doesn't hold fear of darkness within themselves and ask them to show you how to accomplish that for yourself. Your work will be mostly with yourself. You will find and clear judgements and beliefs which are not loving. As you do this you will become a more and more loving person and this is where it is all going. There is nothing but love anywhere in the Universe. We know this because love affects darkness but darkness cannot affect love. The more we realize this the smaller darkness will become, but the more we fear darkness the more it appears to grow.

Do not wait for the new age to come, but invite it now, create it now and be the new age for others.

You can live anywhere and be safe if you solve fear for yourself. Each place will teach you different things and require different things from you. Trust your heart response to choose where to be and when to be there.

So, you see, fear is not helpful. Please let go of all you have heard about how dark the world is. These are judgments and are not true. Each situation has a reason for being so and the individuals involved need help not judgements. You might not be able to do much to change public opinion but you can refuse to accept it yourself. Your actions will encourage others and bring more light to the situation.

We on this side regret that many have been exposed to terrifying situations and even killed in some cases. Realize that you need not be involved in that scenario as it works itself out. Your most important work is with yourself and there is much to be learned there. Those who are working with people who are expressing the dark energy are there to help of course but are also there to acquire the experience and learning for themselves. Realize that we are all learning and growing in different ways."

We assure you that you are both loved and valued and remember that we are always with you."

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

I really love this article. It is presented through Buddhist philosophy but the ideas could stand alone, they make so much sense.

Various traps that spiritual practitioners fall into are investigated -- such as confusing temporary bliss or tranquility with the awakened state of mind.

I particularly like this paragraph:
"We must surrender our hopes and expectations, as well as our fears, and march directly into disappointment, work with disappointment, go into it and make it our way of life, which is a very hard thing to do. Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence. It cannot be compared to anything else: it is so sharp, precise, obvious and direct. If we can open, then we suddenly begin to see that our expectations are irrelevant compared with the reality of the situations we are facing. This automatically brings a feeling disappointment.

Disappointment is the best chariot to use on the path of the dharma. It does not confirm the existence of our ego and its dreams."

Visit the home page at

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Releasing fear and healing my soul..


You asked about fear.

Fear is a concept you hold which allows you to name a set of physical, mental and emotional behaviours resulting at times when you feel the absence of your soul strength. When you are in fear, and disconnected from your soul strength, you are disconnected from your heart center and you feel vulnerable with respect to what is happening around you.

Your heart knows there is nothing to fear because it is unified with the one mind. Your human mind knows this too when it connects through the heart, but when it does not it is forced to rely upon old data, beliefs and strategies for its input.

Your mind thinks it is here to master the world and it doesn't like feeling fear, so whenever it does it puts up defenses to banish the threat or the feeling of fear. Since fear has always been so avoided you have never had the opportunity to find and heal the original pain underneath the fear.

The following was an interaction which the guides lead me through. The energies are available to you by reading the words below. Still your mind and meditate a few minuets before beginning. Read one paragraph at a time and pause at the end of each paragraph to meditate and allow the energies to complete before you move on to the next paragraph.

We would like to aid you in that healing by assisting you with a reconnection to your lost soul fragment.

You will be offered an energy which is the fragment of self that departed a long time ago because it felt threatened. We will return it to you if you wish.

1. Begin by holding your hands together in front of your chest and open your system to receive the healing energy which is being delivered to you now.

2. Once you feel an energy moving through you ask to receive it through your system and then open your hands, palm up, in front of you and we will return your soul fragment into them.

3. Once you feel your energy fragment has arrived in your hands, bring your hands toward your heart center and let them rest there on your chest holding your soul fragment close.

4. Continue holding the fragment. Now using another energy we are cleansing old beliefs, patterns, strategies and yes, fears out of your physical, mental and emotional self. You will feel the energy flowing out through the front of your body even as you hold your hands over your soul fragment, protecting it from the discharging energies.

5. Once you feel the flow of released energy has finished, invite the soul fragment to enter your physical body and ask that it merge with all of your other energies.

Congratulations! You have removed interfering energies which have kept you from this aspect of yourself and you have restored it to its natural home.

We are pleased to have been of service and will continue to be so. You need only ask.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What does being in the "now" mean to you?

Are you willing to let go of what you think to do it?
I am loving this piece because it shows how what we think contradicts what we feel.

It is written by Cory Dean Smith entitled Dependability from his blog Cory Dean Smith . com

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I was given this assignment over a year ago, to channel a series of six pieces which would have some relationship with each other when they are complete. It is my theory that this relationship will occur of its own accord with no assistance from me. I have not read the first three pieces in over a year and no longer remember what they discussed. As I sit to meditate in preparation for this writing I ask only that I be a clear channel for the message which is offered.

How nice it is to continue this discussion. Do not bother to feel unworthy because of the diversions which have taken you away from this writing. As we see it the sections are being presented in exactly the way you require for your growth. They are all here waiting for you to be ready to receive and they are bound together in a manner which does not involve time.

Here is something which may surprise you; You cannot fail.

You are as it were held in the hands of God.

Your awareness of this is growing but you still think that you have some control over the events in you life. You feel guilt or pride depending upon how successful you feel your actions have been.

Would it surprise you to know that we do not see things in those terms? You cannot cause something to be either bad or good as you would name it because everything that has been, is or will be comes from the same place. It comes from the pool of all there is. No thing is different from the rest except as you express it for your own learning.

You are an expression of pure love. That is all there is. You imagine many more things as you struggle to return to the purity that you are. You have given yourself the experience of expression and sensation and now you blame that experience on some other cause. You are the cause of you. You are also the only answer. You are already the only thing you could be and yet you still keep trying to be something else.

It is not easy to be who you are but it is very simple. You just have to stop trying to be all the things you think you are. Stop trying to create divisions in something which is already whole.

You are enough. Be still and sense into the space where wholeness resides. Be very still now and sit with who you really are. Breath with it. Notice where you feel it. When thoughts come notice where you experience them.

You create those thoughts. The love that is who you are created you. Every single facet of your life is better managed by love. You imagine that your control is helping but it is not. Take any part of your life and observe what would change if it were managed by love.

The key thing is YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE AND NEVER HAVE BEEN, so why not take a seat, kick back and tune in to your inheritance.

As always, this message which was delivered through me has a specific application to me. I share it in the hope it is also of benefit to others.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sharpen the Stick

In this post I would like to introduce you to a marvelous woman named Lanne Rice.

We met through the Spiritual Experiences of Meditation group we both belong to and she channeled this poem during an exercise in channeled writing.

It surprised her to receive a complete piece of poetry in only ten minuets as it seemed to just write itself.

Sharpen the Stick

Sharpen the stick
Poke out your eye
Ring the bell
and blindly fly...

You are spirit
You are fire
Water, earth and clay
Run like the wind… play

Gather spirits
To your table
Make them comfortable
You are able

Sing some praises
Look at scenes
Feel cold water
Drown in seams

What you need
You will get
Death and loving
No regret

Go and scatter
Ash to the wind
Blind no more
Your bell will ring

Lanne is also an accomplished artist and writer.

You can view her art on her website, Broken Heart Studio.

You will find the artistic rendering of the poem there too. Look under "her art"....."pen and ink".


I discovered an interesting Facebook page on Shamanism and wanted to share the first article of a series with you.

There are many misconceptions regarding what a Shaman does and this article explains it clearly, noting the differences between a healer, shaman and a sorcerer.

If you enjoyed the article you can read more on the Facebook page of Witchy's Nexus Shamanism. Just click the title of this article.

1. The Shadow Side of Human Consciousness

The purpose of Shamanism is to integrate conflicting aspects of the human psyche with each other, and the whole with the Cosmic Psyche, and to develop the power and self-knowledge to enable the shaman to achieve results that are beyond the abilities of the undeveloped, un-self-aware psyche.

Integrating conflicting aspects of the human psyche is the basis of all character development, and is essential to achieving balance and happiness.

It releases and channels those potentially limitless psychic powers that are inherent in all of us.

The difference between a healer and a shaman is that a healer is a person who is able to use the forces of light to effect a cure in the body, mind, or spirit of another, without using the forces of the Shadow.

Because of the nature of some illnesses, this method is not always effective, and a shaman must be sought for a cure.

A shaman is a healer who has walked up to the Underworld gates of his/her own personal hell and then walked in.

He/she has confronted and conquered his/her self-created demons, such as fear, insanity, loneliness, self-importance, and addictions, has unflinchingly confronted his/her own Shadow self as well as the evil of others, and can successfully deal with forces of darkness equally with those of light.

A shaman can do exorcisms and can reverse hexes and the results of black arts that have been used on a patient, because by dealing with one's own Shadow and coming to terms with that Shadow self, one gains peace of mind and balance, and the black arts have no control over that person, for his/her personal fears and inner demons have already been dealt with.

Both the shaman and the healer can effect cures, but only the shaman is trained in dealing with any type of black arts that may have caused illness.

For clarification, a shaman is not a sorcerer, one who is trained in and uses only the black arts to accomplish their purposes.

Many people in today's society are calling themselves shamans without any knowledge of exactly what this means.

If the would-be shaman does not have the ability to look at his/her own shadow side, he/she will not be able to follow the path of the shaman.

He/she would never be able to confront or handle the results and/or intentions of the black arts.

A shaman's medicine colors are black and white because he/she walks the world of Light as well as Shadow - the polarity of man's existence.

Black and white also represents the balance a shaman seeks to maintain, both inside himself/herself as well as bringing that balance to his/her clients.

It is well expressed in the Eastern concept of yin-yang.

Bat is the Mayan and Aztec symbol for rebirth, and the totem animal for shamanism.

Bat hangs upside down in the cave, just as humans are nestled upside down in their mothers' wombs.

In leaving the womb or the cave, each is forced to look at light and shadow.

Bat embraces the idea of the Shaman's death.

In ancient traditions, the would-be-shaman was sent to a certain location to dig his/her own grave, and then spent the night inside that grave, totally alone.

The grave opening was supported by limbs, covered by a blanket, and then filled over with dirt and debris.

Absolute darkness and total silence quickly cause the initiate to be confronted by his/her fears.

The basic idea of the initiation was to break down all former notions of "self", and to cause the initiate to face his/her inner fears and demons.

When the initiate is released from the grave, the old persona and ways of life of the one "who was put in in the ground" truly are dead and buried.

A "new" person emerges, reborn, with the right BY INITIATION to be called a shaman, and to heal.

During my initiation, I spent three days and two nights totally isolated within the grave, and it truly is a terrifying experience.

In modern times, as with so many ancient rituals and initiations, the Shaman's Death is considered by society as too severe and dangerous, and so the actual rite is seldom seen or heard of.

the right to be called a shaman is no less contingent on the notion of the death of the old "self" than it was in ancient times.

One does not choose to walk the path of a shaman, the Spirits call a person to walk the path of a shaman, usually by a traumatic, life-altering experience.

This experience may be sufficient to constitute an initiation; however, the psychiatric wards are full of uninitiated shamans, who had a traumatic experience and no one to guide them to understanding!

The understanding unfolds as we work with the Shadow self.

The Underworld is the arena.

Because the shaman has walked through the Underworld of the Shadow and knows firsthand the pain involved in breaking the stranglehold of inner darkness, a true shaman always has compassion for the paths that others must walk.

Full credit for this article is given to the author, whose name does not appear on the Witchy's Nexus Shamanism page on Facebook. You can reach it by clicking here.

One year later ....

Hello again!
I landed back in Saskatoon on April the tenth after a journey of a lifetime in Asia.
If you would like to see the notes and pictures from that trip go to my other blog Notes from a Wandering Traveller.

I am happy to get back to the platform of this blog where I can incorporate some channeling into the mix. Thanks for hanging in there, I appreciate that you are still here.

Daily posts are my goal but they may be on either blog. After six months of daily blogging on the road it is a well ingrained habit. I need a subject that I am excited to write about though. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about my city of Saskatoon I just don't want to search out topics every day. I will share tantalizing bits of my amazing city occasionally as I come across them.

A word about Blue Morpho Tours
At a beautiful camp deep in the Amazon jungle, near the city of Iquitos is the beautiful thatched roof camp of Blue Morpho where lives are changed on a daily basis.

I have been known to frequent this camp and highly recommend it to others.

Here is what they say about themselves: "Blue Morpho has blended traditional shamanism, shamanic workshops, and Universal Spirituality into a tour that offers a truly unique and life-altering experience in the heart of the Amazon. Blue Morpho’s mission is to provide a safe, supportive space where individuals can experience personal growth, energetic evolution, and healing through traditional Amazonian shamanism. This mission has been, and always be, Blue Morpho’s goal; it’s what drives us forward today."

A new branch of their work called Modern Shamanism has been created. It is a block of teachings which apply shamanic wisdom to daily life. The web site is new and is scheduled to be open mid May at

In the meantime you can tap into a facebook page of the same intent at:

If you are interested follow along there are great things to come.

We all have our own paths to journey for learning. Shamanism is one of mine at the moment. It has been a year since I have been there and I am looking forward to going again this August.

There will be more on this for sure but for now I will leave you with this poem which I enjoyed.

Someone seeking learning, knows more and more.
Someone seeking Tao, knows less and less.
Less and less until
things just
are what

By simply being,
everything gets done.
Get things done
by letting them happen.
Struggling all the time,
gets you nowhere.

Tao Te Ching