This question is from a woman living in BC, Canada. She asks:
"I'm wondering if my two children and I are in a 'safe' place here?"
She says "I just finished reading the amazing story "The Gathering of Eagles" and believe that we're heading towards a new, better world that I hope we will enter peacefully."
Her guides provided this response:
You are asking "are we safe here?" when what you mean to ask is "do we need to fear?"
You are as safe there as you would be anywhere from accidents, natural disasters and the actions of others. You are always held within the love of the creator of the universe, within the whole of the I AM. You cannot be anywhere but there no matter where you might think you are. You are aware that your physical form is not permanent and that it will cease to exist at some point. We cannot give you a time line for that as it is dependant upon many things but you must realize that you will continue to exist even beyond death.
That being said we know that you are longing for the new world. and we know you want to be an instrument in its creation. We assure you that the change which began slowly many years ago is now being accomplished at an amazing speed. It is not possible to stop the changes from completing so you need not worry about that even though there are those who still point to all the darkness in the world. Many souls still have darkness to release and they may create alarming scenarios while they wrestle with those changes.
Your role is to hold space for the light in the world, teach those who come to you for guidance and try to see the light within all people.
For yourself you must locate a group or an individual who doesn't hold fear of darkness within themselves and ask them to show you how to accomplish that for yourself. Your work will be mostly with yourself. You will find and clear judgements and beliefs which are not loving. As you do this you will become a more and more loving person and this is where it is all going. There is nothing but love anywhere in the Universe. We know this because love affects darkness but darkness cannot affect love. The more we realize this the smaller darkness will become, but the more we fear darkness the more it appears to grow.
Do not wait for the new age to come, but invite it now, create it now and be the new age for others.
You can live anywhere and be safe if you solve fear for yourself. Each place will teach you different things and require different things from you. Trust your heart response to choose where to be and when to be there.
So, you see, fear is not helpful. Please let go of all you have heard about how dark the world is. These are judgments and are not true. Each situation has a reason for being so and the individuals involved need help not judgements. You might not be able to do much to change public opinion but you can refuse to accept it yourself. Your actions will encourage others and bring more light to the situation.
We on this side regret that many have been exposed to terrifying situations and even killed in some cases. Realize that you need not be involved in that scenario as it works itself out. Your most important work is with yourself and there is much to be learned there. Those who are working with people who are expressing the dark energy are there to help of course but are also there to acquire the experience and learning for themselves. Realize that we are all learning and growing in different ways."
We assure you that you are both loved and valued and remember that we are always with you."
It’s Over
5 days ago