Wouldn't it be wonderful if what we see as NORMAL wasn't even real and we could create anything else instead?

Monday, May 28, 2012

How I missed my computer.

Well, here I am, eight months later not having posted on any of my blogs.  I have been busy though and I went back to work.  Yes, that is crazy but the government took away my health care and so I thought I might as well go get some more travel money since I have to stay here for six months.
I came back the end of Sept last year after having spent a couple of months in South America.  I was there to work with Ayahuasca at two different centers in Peru, Blue Morpho and Ayahuasca Wasi.  Both were great.

When I got home I had no real plan where to live and most of my stuff was in storage. I parked temporarily at my sister and brother-in-laws, Joanne & Bert, at Pike Lake Saskatchewan. That worked well and we decided I should stay all winter. That was useful for them also as they live elsewhere. Pike Lake is not  situated near a 3G network so my Internet use was restricted by a sporadic signal. I was there for five months.

Next I stayed at a friends in Saskatoon to watch her house while she traveled and during that time I found the perfect spot for me. It is a TINY but cheap bachelor apartment and I have been here for a month. I moved most of my stuff from the storage and it is oh-so-good to settle down again. It is just right to have this place to come home to when I wander off again.

I have been making the most of my restored health care with dental work and a couple of minor surgeries.

Today I tried to use my phone for a WI-FI spot and it works perfectly. I am writing this post on my computer through a wireless connection to my phone.

During this time I have also been working on a home study course in Modern Shamanism that is awesome.  More on that another time.

What I am trying to say is that I missed writing my blogs.  I did a blog post every single day while I was traveling the winter before last for six and a half months and I really enjoyed it.

So hello again, or for the first time.  See you soon.