Its good to be back on the page!
I was on another "page" for a while, mostly unwritten but thoroughly experienced.
My year of travelling has wound down and I am home in Saskatoon for the winter. I haven't even put all the photos up on the blog yet but I will finish that off soon.
One incredible thing I did in August this year was attend a 10-ceremony Ayahuasca tour at Blue Morpho in Peru. It was my best tour ever and almost impossible to describe.
Every once in a while though, someone writes something nice which helps provide a clearer picture of what Ayahuasca Shaminism is and why people go there.
Here is an article called Mareado On The Nauta Road . Mareado, is what you are after an Ayauhasca ceremony when still feeling the effects such as mild visual disturbances. The Nauta Road is the road from Iquitos to the Blue Morpho Camp. The article is a guest post by Chris Kilham on the Dawn On The Amazon website. Dawn On The Amazon offer tours and they have a very nice restaurant with outside seating in the shade. Their Captain's Blog contains interesting stories from the region.
Chris Kilham is the founder of the Ayahuasca Test Pilots. He is the FOX News Medicine Hunter, and travels regularly to Peru. He has a web site called Medicine Hunter.
So that's my story. I had great intentions of writing and channelling lots but I guess life just goes where it goes. How do I ever manage to hold a job??? I am home for the winter though and I feel that commitment building again. Wheee!
It’s Over
5 days ago
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