Wouldn't it be wonderful if what we see as NORMAL wasn't even real and we could create anything else instead?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Getting Unplugged.

May is almost over and I haven't posted since March. I have not been idle, just otherwise focused. It seems to require a lot of think time to plan the closing down of everything life has been. Some more "stuff" has to be gotten rid of due to lack of space and sometimes that involves a mental releasing prior to the physical release. Ah well, I am slowly moving in the direction of trusting the universe to provide.

Finalizing retirement plans, setting financial matters so they continue on automatic, organizing retirement insurance including travel and consolidating important information so that it can be easily utilized along the road have been my focus of late.

I am happily planting out flowers and enjoying the beautiful spring weather in my borrowed garden. It is wonderful to get my hands into the soil once again.

I have a back-log of channel requests that I will attempt to deliver in the next several days.

In the meantime, for those in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope you are enjoying spring as much as I am.

Saskatchewan "Living Sky" shots are courtesy of Terry McBride of Saskatoon.


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