I was speaking about unity and oneness at our channelling circle on Monday night and someone asked me to do a piece of channelling on that subject. I know why too, it’s because when I am channelling, the information is more succinct and understandable than it is when I just talk. The fact is, when I am talking I have difficulty finding the words I want to use, and as a result I don't explain things so well.
During the circle we were dealing with an entity who had harmed me in another existence and I reasoned that not only did I need to forgive him, but that I needed to love and accept him because he is an extension of me.
I said, "If everything is love then good evil and anything in between is also love. If everything is love, and God is love, then I am also love. Both the entity and I are love and within God we are one."
As I think about it now, we are one in the same manner that an ear and an eye are part of one body and the life force of that body is within both the ear and the eye at the same time.
That is the way I think about it and that is about as far as I went with it at the time, but there is more to it than that, there is the experience of feeling it, which is what I was having trouble putting into words. The feeling of being one with goodness is one thing but when you need to come to terms with your oneness with evil or darkness it is quite another thing. In the moment that I was face to face with this darkness I knew that I had to totally accept it in order to get past the burden it caused in my life.
WOW, Thinking of it as me and not another really helped. My heart knew instinctively that it was the right thing to do and I did it. I know that it allowed healing to take place.
Now I will ask for a channelled message to expand on this topic. The message will be directed toward me and my understanding but it may also have relevance to the understanding of others.
The idea that humans have regarding their separation is not accurate, in fact it is so inaccurate as to be the cause of tremendous distress in your world.
Feelings of separation support feelings of lack, fear, anger, hatred and pain. You would argue with us that all of these really exist and we would answer that indeed they do. You would argue that you cannot accept others as one with you until they stop hurting you and taking what is yours and we would answer that you must accept them as one with you before they stop these things.
Let us point out that you are causing much distress and pain around you by holding the notion that you and others are separate. You will not be free of this until you see each other person as yourselves. This is far beyond seeing others as your brothers and sisters on planet earth.
It is your belief patterns and thought processes which must change as these are the precursors of your actions.
Realize that working to save the underprivileged and desperate people is like a band aid compared to what your world needs.
We are not suggesting that you stop helping others but that you go farther and hold each person in love and acceptance.
We suggest that you look on all people as equals and that you see that their spirit is as privileged as any others within universal love and abundance. You may want to argue that this will not change other people, but it will dear ones.
If you hold that some are poor then that will be your reality and if you hold that all are abundant then that will be your reality. It may not be everyone's reality yet, as all are in choice, as you know but by holding the space for it you are helping others to create it.
This is the reason why each one must start with themselves first. Use your emotions as a tool for this to let you know when there is something to be released. Feelings of anger, judgments, loss, fear, lack, jealousy, blame and hatred all tell you that something is not right. The past must be healed by accepting and forgiving and allowing that it is part of the one. This is not to say that you must continue to be treated badly by others but that you can set yourself free from the past and in so doing you will make it possible to make other choices in the future that are more supportive and positive.
These changes are occurring faster now but not to the extent that they need to change for the healing which needs to occur. The concept you hold now of oneness is not yet oneness because you are still thinking that you must help to bring everything into that oneness. Part of the awakening which you are going through is to realize that everything is already one and we mean everything. If all is one and nothing is outside of the one then, anything, anyone and any experience which has happened in your life is part of the one. The one is love so that means everything in your life is love. You might argue that it doesn't always feel like it but we say to you, it is because of your belief in your own separation that you see it this way.
You will need to give up your separation. There is no other way. It may be the hardest thing you have to do but it will also be the most worthwhile.
Fay was confronted with an energy which seemed dark to her and her instinct was to get rid of it somehow. She was surprised to learn that she needed to forgive, accept and love the energy very deeply and completely and she was able to do that to the extent that she really felt that she and the energy were one. At that point it no longer seemed dark or threatening at all and she was one with it. There was much being released but it was her own misunderstandings and misconceptions and judgements which were leaving and great healing occurred at that moment.
Achieving oneness is an inside job which each must do for themselves. It is actually bringing oneself to clarity by releasing your own negativity which simply brings you to a point of recognizing the oneness which is already there. As you work with this you will encounter more and more oneness experiences and your energy will become brighter and brighter. Hold this feeling in your heart as much as you can as this will do much to aid others who are making this shift also.
As always, remember that we have much love for you and we are always ready to help if you ask.
Go in peace.
It’s Over
5 days ago
I understand what you are expressing and I believe it to be true. Unfortunately, I am not there yet. I have not accepted oneness. I am still fighting against it and trying to be separate.
ReplyDeleteMe too! Work in progress I call it. Don't give up.
ReplyDeleteHi Fay! Thank you so much for your advice; it is always inspiring to hear sound words of wisdom from someone who has "been there, done that."
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