I was given this assignment over a year ago, to channel a series of six pieces which would have some relationship with each other when they are complete. It is my theory that this relationship will occur of its own accord with no assistance from me. I have not read the first three pieces in over a year and no longer remember what they discussed. As I sit to meditate in preparation for this writing I ask only that I be a clear channel for the message which is offered.
How nice it is to continue this discussion. Do not bother to feel unworthy because of the diversions which have taken you away from this writing. As we see it the sections are being presented in exactly the way you require for your growth. They are all here waiting for you to be ready to receive and they are bound together in a manner which does not involve time.
Here is something which may surprise you; You cannot fail.
You are as it were held in the hands of God.
Your awareness of this is growing but you still think that you have some control over the events in you life. You feel guilt or pride depending upon how successful you feel your actions have been.
Would it surprise you to know that we do not see things in those terms? You cannot cause something to be either bad or good as you would name it because everything that has been, is or will be comes from the same place. It comes from the pool of all there is. No thing is different from the rest except as you express it for your own learning.
You are an expression of pure love. That is all there is. You imagine many more things as you struggle to return to the purity that you are. You have given yourself the experience of expression and sensation and now you blame that experience on some other cause. You are the cause of you. You are also the only answer. You are already the only thing you could be and yet you still keep trying to be something else.
It is not easy to be who you are but it is very simple. You just have to stop trying to be all the things you think you are. Stop trying to create divisions in something which is already whole.
You are enough. Be still and sense into the space where wholeness resides. Be very still now and sit with who you really are. Breath with it. Notice where you feel it. When thoughts come notice where you experience them.
You create those thoughts. The love that is who you are created you. Every single facet of your life is better managed by love. You imagine that your control is helping but it is not. Take any part of your life and observe what would change if it were managed by love.
The key thing is YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE AND NEVER HAVE BEEN, so why not take a seat, kick back and tune in to your inheritance.
As always, this message which was delivered through me has a specific application to me. I share it in the hope it is also of benefit to others.
It’s Over
5 days ago
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