I am getting not so subtle nudging that it is time for message # three so here goes.
You don’t want to hear this. Never-the-less we are going to say it anyway. It is time to take inventory again. This time it will be even more personal and more thorough. You have come through a time of great adjustment within your physical, emotional and spiritual self. You have absorbed many new energies and upgraded and blended others. You will have a chance to rest the physical self while we help you take stock of where you are now.
A long time ago you eagerly volunteered to be a part of the team of healers living at this earth time. You saw the opportunity to be of service and to grow at the same time.
When we ask you to take inventory we are really asking you to recalibrate your concept of yourself so that it is more accurate.
You can list your strengths and weaknesses if you want and that will be an indicator of what has changed.
We also want you to see how much more allowing you have become as, many times, you just observe without interfering. We ask you to look at your heart and see how much it has opened. You trust yourself more but you also are really trusting life as well. You believe that you can live freely and without worry and that you truly can create a beautiful universe in which to live.
Also, as in any inventory, we must clear out the things which are no longer needed. Many of these have been dislodged already by the fluctuations of energy you have been receiving. Some have even been transformed and cleared already. You know this because you are feeling generally happier and lighter. Your motivation is higher now as you have already experienced some benefits.
The way to work with this now is to observe yourself and notice what still feels uncomfortable. You might need to get some help with the next part which is gently dislodging the old belief, habit or memory which is the source of the pain. Are we suggesting that you be pain free? Yes we are! Pain is an indicator of a problem, it is not meant to be lived with day after day. The more pain you release the easier it will become.
We are helping you to prepare for an existence which is based in love. Isn’t that great? You can do anything you want, basing it in love, and not only are you expanding yourself but you are radiating love to the rest of the world. Any time you are holding love and light within yourself you are the healer you came here to be.
In the next dimension there are no problems like we have here because issues are transformed instantly. Everyone will know that all are one and everything is just information. There is no reason why you can’t live that way right now. Leave the dense energy for those who still desire it and move into the light of love.
We will be by your side the whole way. Call on us as you need and it will be our joy to assist you.
Peace be with you dear ones.
It’s Over
3 days ago
Thank you 明秋. So nice to hear from you.