"Hi fellow nomads!
Just found this group and immediately wanted to join and introduce myself, to see if someone can relate to what I'm doing with myself. But now I realized I'm sick of my life story so I'll look for another approach. :)"
He continues......
"I'm wondering about this:
Being retired or just somehow having enough money to travel forever and not needing the home you had anymore is one thing. Sounds like a very rich life!
But, are there also nomads of the kind who simply don't have a "home" even if they would want one, and/or who don't have a source of money and are actually not really sure how they will survive more than one day/week/month at a time?
Who don't know if being a nomad is something they decided or something that just happened?
Having been homeless for 2 years in pursuit of freedom, trying to renounce things, habits, desires etc, I now find myself in a country I didn't expect to be in, with almost no money, no income, no profession, hardly any connections, no backup home to go to anywhere in the world but only temporary ones. I don't know how long I can stay here and don't know where to go next. And here's the thing: I don't mind.
I'm discovering that the one thing still scaring me is that I'm not afraid of things anymore. I'm not afraid of not achieving things or not surviving, I'm hardly not even afraid of causing others trouble anymore, which used to be a huge issue.
I can't see how to get past this. What in the world is going to motivate me to get up and do something, if I'm not afraid of any outcome?
In spirituality this kind of homelessness or freedom is often made to sound all warm and cozy, but please tell me how you actually continue to live in the world if you're not motivated by any fear? Society isn't designed for that for sure. I'm still just 24 and I don't expect to be fed for free if I just drift around like this. Yet I'm totally fine with my life and not motivated to do anything about it. What's happening?
See, it's so odd, I don't even have a problem! I'm healthy right now and not starving and about the rest time will tell. It is causing lots of anxiety though, ironically...
Absurd huh. :)
If anyone else has experienced this, please say hello, or anything you like! It's getting difficult for a part of me to relate to people because most of them are struggling so much and I'm not... so it would be nice to talk to others about it. :)
By the way I'm not suicidal so don't worry."

Taken at Qingyang gong in China, Summer 2009
I will add a couple of comments, from other couch surfers, in the comments section if you are interested. If you wish to add yours Martin will see them.