This is the title that was offered to me during a meditation in which I was searching for help with beginning the process of channelled writing.
Below is the product of two sessions of channelled writing, one for Alabaster and one for Zoe. Nearly two months transpired between the two writings.
The subject is presented as it was first written, without any editing, except for some spelling correction and punctuation.Who or what is Alabaster?It was a very long time ago, in fact so long ago that it may seem that it never happened at all, when everything was in the form of thought in the one mind, that you left the field of one and became part of the myriad of many. Many souls were formed on that day. Well, there were no days or time either so we should say that the one mind became many, and that is it. Since there is no time, nor was there any time we must then conclude that it was now that we became separate from the one. We are separating from the one now. We are separate from the one now. We think that we don’t remember being part of the one, but if we are just separating now then we are also part of the one now. We are wholly in the one, feeling that we are separate, and we are wholly separate and feeling that we are one and we are everything in between.
Alabaster is a human. Any human, anywhere. Alabaster cannot remember being part of the one mind. Alabaster is living what he thinks is his life, happily or unhappily as it goes. When presented with the question of separation he wonders if such a thing could be so. As he ponders the possibility, a feeling of space forms within his awareness. He does not know the purpose of the space but he is aware of the feeling of longing for something, he knows not what, to fill the space. It is not a desperate longing but simply a desire to reclaim an unknown, a feeling of wanting to return to some previous time, much like the feeling of wanting to return to ones roots or to go home. Unless there is some movement Alabaster will not stay with this question for long. Most humans, like Alabaster, want some results when they pursue a question, they want to make progress and gain understanding or change or they will in time give it up. The thought of that longing cannot be given up forever though as life has a way of reminding us of the question of our separation, and thus Alabaster will go through many cycles of longing and pondering. Alabaster has many thoughts which get in the way: I am not enough! I do not know how! It is not possible! I am afraid! No one really loves me! I am not worthy! Alabaster decides to work hard to make himself worthy, knowledgeable, heroic, loved and successful. He may accomplish much or he may fail. Either way, when he again ponders the feeling of his separation he still feels the empty longing. He comes to a time when he has exhausted all his own possible answers. If he surrendered here he could save himself a lot of trouble but that almost never happens. The feeling of impending surrender is so terrifying that it will spur Alabaster into renewed efforts to validate himself. He may be tempted by some alternative means of self destruction such as recreational chemicals and booze, sex, and overconsumption.
Dear Alabaster, if only you could see that the harder you try the farther away you take yourself. Your life is a very long process of pushing yourself to a point of surrender. If you can get to the point where you can conclude that you can’t fix it yourself, and you feel totally without hope, your search stage is almost concluded. Congratulations! You are on the point of surrender. Surrender occurs in many ways, has many thought forms and feelings but it ultimately takes you to the place of increased connectedness with the one, that feeling of completion you have been seeking. This is a beautiful discovery. Enjoy it while you can because most humans don’t stay long the first time. They know how good it feels but they still need to work through some of their issues so they return to trying to solve them only finding they must return to surrender time and again. If they are paying attention though, they will understand their relationship with the one more and more. They will begin to learn how to interact with it and what it is. They will begin to want to spend more and more time in unison with the one and less and less time on the struggle which was their former life. They will long for occasions where they can further surrender and enter into stronger connection with the one.
As they become stronger within the one they begin to feel a sense of belonging. They feel a kind of ownership as if it is somehow their home too. They accept that they are one with the one, and as such they are both separate and whole at the same moment, now. This recognition makes life easier and less serious. Alabaster can see that he has come a long way in his journey and he can look on his life as the story of how he learned who he is.
Who would Alabaster say he is?
I am clay. I am first malleable and then take the shape and form in which I am poured. I will then spend my existence being the physical manifestation which I have become. Even if I would long to be something else, I cannot. I will be what I am until I return to the clay of which I am made.
Alabaster is what he is regardless of whether he accepts himself or not. On the physical plane this is the way it is, however, before Alabaster was formed, he was an idea in the mind. That idea is also who he is, in fact it is more who he is than that which he thinks he is, because his existence as an idea is infinite. It is timeless in the universal now. The manifestation of Alabaster is idea given form so that mind can experience time and space.

An angel comforting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Who or what is Zoe?
Zoe is an energy form which can be in many dimensions at once. She is not physically manifest but she can be seen using spiritual eyes. Zoe is also part of the one universal as we are and she can also experience that oneness part of the time. Zoe is based in another dimension, one which is not dependent upon time and space. She is there because an idea of the one mind created her there. Not being physical, she is able to move between dimensions much easier than we are and yet she has some similarities with humans. Like us, Zoe cannot decide to go somewhere else in the universe, or be something else other than the form in which she was created. Her perception of the universal one is greater and she is able to maintain her presence within it longer than humans do but she is not yet ready to be one with source either. She must continue in the form and do what she can to grow in ability to surrender to all that is.
Zoe and others like her are the energies which humans call angels.
There is much to be said for having angels in our lives, and much to be said about it. In the beginning was the one and the one was with God. This has been true forever and it is true forever. Why? In the stillness we can bring you to a place where you feel this to be true. What you are feeling inside within moments of stillness is the oneness, the creator, the universal mind. We are called by many names. Choose the one which suits you. At those times you are unable to deny the truth. You do not even want to argue when your senses are filled with it. Your system is not made to work entirely in this light yet, but you are in the process of being introduced to it. You need to make many opportunities to bring yourself in contact with it. Helping others do the same is a worthwhile endeavour for you also. Each soul working in this way is creating a point of light of a frequency which is sustainable with regular connection. You begin to feel the light within and you recognize that its source is not you but that you have a familiarity with the source. You trust that you are a part of the one, of all that is and all that will be or ever was. There are no words which are powerful enough to convince you of this, and that is why each must take their own journey until they remember.
Who would Zoe say she is?
I am Zoe and I am an angel of light. I am a guide for other angels who are working with your guides and the guides of others. In a sense, I am their teacher as they are yours. You can speak to me directly if you wish but you will usually experience me through working with your guides. When you most need my help I will be there, helping by holding a creative space around you and assisting the guides to deliver the frequency and instructions that you need. Remember though, that your guides have a very great amount to offer you. They are around you at all times, you need only ask for their help. Do not be passive about this. Do not think of us as wispy creatures with no substance for we have more spiritual substance than do you. We are waiting for you to recognize the totality of what you are being offered. It is not possible that you could depend on us too much, because as we help you, you become more capable. Please remember, you are not here to learn to be a spirit, you are here to learn to be human, and in so doing you will build the foundation for the next level. Do not, however, concern your selves about that which comes next. You are in a moment which is full of everything which is needed for you to progress well. You do not have to plan it or even know what the next step is. Be completely in tune with what is in the now. See it, smell it, feel it, taste it and above all, love it. Your life and everything in it is a gift. You do not own it but it is yours to do with for a time. When one period of your life ends, you always have a choice between getting stuck in the feeling the loss of it, or of opening to the next moment. You are always provided for dear ones. You will better understand the process if you release your ideas about how you should be provided for. Make time for this. Do not wring every possible ounce of energy from each minuet of the day and yourself, but make a place where you are open to spirit each and every day. Call for it and welcome it.
We are here for you. Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will be opened unto you. Be aware of the gifts offered to you through your guides both spiritual and human and offer gratitude and love in return.
Know that you are loved very, very much and that all is well with the world.