When I first became involved with this mission back in the early 1970's, I used to doubt, be sceptical. But what convinced me of it's validity was the people. The unique people I met. It really wasn't the bizarre things that occurred, the way money would arrive at the right moment, or out of nowhere, or even the way events would fall into place far beyond coincidence. It was the people. The spectrum of humanity that I touched and that touched me. All races, all regions of the earth, all religions of the earth, all creeds, philosophies, every one of them was unique.
If you're going to have a future, a new age, then this is exactly what you need. A full spectrum. You can't do it with only one kind of person. You need the whole range to avoid intellectual breeding. When I sit and look back at the people that have crossed my path, it becomes very very clear that someone, somewhere, knows exactly what they're doing.
When I get glimpses of the future, the way it's being assembled, these foundations of the future, these seeds of the new garden, it's apparent that there's a pretty powerfully charged group of people being assembled. Now, charge them with positivity and their accomplishments can be limitless.
The old world can best be compared to the S. S. Titanic, opulence and engineering. A masterpiece of her time. She died! She died because of the arrogance that captured those who were charged with her care. The sheer arrogance that the ultimate calamity couldn't happen. The arrogance that she could carry as many passengers as she wanted, they would never need the life boats anyway. Those at her controls arrogantly thrust her headlong into the iceberg strewn North Atlantic almost daring the gods to do something about it.
That my friend, is what's happened to us. The masters on the bridge have steadfastly ignored the cautions and the warnings and have just as arrongantly run the good ship earth into an iceberg.
Everyday, sadly I watch another 'guaranteed, fail-safe, water-tight bulkhead, buckle under the pressure. You and I realize she's going down and have taken to the boats. It's truly no matter for rejoicing that many are blissfully unaware that anything is wrong. The ship's crew aren't going to tell them.
There is hope though and it lies in the fact that the next time around, there'll be a new crew at the controls, devoid of the arrogance that blinded so many. We are that crew.
It’s Over
5 days ago
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