One afternoon, our family stopped in at a restaurant and everyone else waiting for a table was seated by a waitress. When it came to our turn, the manager came over and directed us to a table. There didn't seem anything unusual in that in itself, but when he got us seated, he stood there for a few moments and told us a little about his life. Now it was getting a little peculiar. Then he took one of our menus and turned it over and pointed at a picture on the back. It was a picture of the restaurant when it was full of people.
There was the partial profile of a man in the one side of it, not enough to identify anyone from, but he pointed to it and said, "That's me." I', in the picture." Just as he said that, I got a flash sort of amplifying the phrase, "I'm in the picture" and it came to me.
"Yup! He's in the picture." After that he left us and went back into his office. He didn't bother with any other patrons. Sometimes I would be shown people without making the contact right away. I'd have to wait, to bide my time until I got the word that the contact was ready for the message. When everything was right the command would come, "Now".
Another delayed contact involved one of my neighbors in New Westminster. I really didn't know them except to wave hello as they passed down the street. Then one day I got the feeling that I'd have to talk with them. The feeling was clear, but so was the feeling that I was to wait for further instructions, as if it wasn't ready to happen yet.
Several times after, I'd think of them and wonder when, but there would be no response. No feeling at all. Then one day while I was driving home, I found myself behind this neighbor's truck, and the feeling came, "Now. Now is the time to talk with them."
When I got home I told Sharon I'd be gone for a couple of hours and went over and knocked on their door. He recognized who I was, but stood rather defensively in the doorway as I told him that there was something he had to know. I guess he thought I was a Jehovah's Witness or something. Anyway, I started to tell him the story of how something would happen to society and how he's be protected and so on. Then he stopped me and invited me into the living room, called in his wife and had me tell both of them.
I was telling them that they were being protected from harm, being looked after. When I had finished he said to me, "You know, if you had come last week, I would have said you were crazy." He said, "If you'd come three days ago, I would have said you were crazy. But today, right now, I can't say that because something happened within the last two days that I can't shrug off or explain. I'm having trouble believing it, but I can't shrug it off."
He then told me of two events, unrelated, that had set him up for me. The first happened when he was coming home from work, and he stopped at the corner grocery store. He was talking to the Chinese owner and telling him that he had quite a stomach ache. The grocer said that he could fix it for him. He made some motion with his hands, then reached over the counter and touched him on the stomach. Instantly the pain vanished. Just like magic, it was gone. That happened the day before.
"Last night", he went on, "in the middle of the night something very unusual happened. The oven timer went off, all by itself in the middle of the night. It started going, ding, ding, ding. That had never happened before. It just kept ringing and ringing." He checked with his wife and she hadn't been using it. So he got out of bed and went into the kitchen and shut it off. While he was doing that he noticed a light coming from the living room.
"I went in and found a candle burning on the window sill. My wife had forgotten to put it out when she went to bed. I also noticed that the window was open just enough to blow the curtain over the candle with every breeze and when I came along the curtain was ready to go up in flames." He told me that because it was an older house, he was sure that it would have gone up in a flash. "If I hadn't gotten there when I did, we'd have been cremated, you know. Then I snuffed out the candle and as I did, I just said, ‘thanks'. I don't know who I was saying it to, but it sure seemed appropriate." Then he laughed, "Now you show up here and say somebody's looking after us. How can I say you are crazy?"
The timing had to be just right though. I was shown this fellow about a month before, and it didn't happen until he was ready to accept the message.
One day, our son Sean came home from school with an ear ache. He'd been in a fight or something and was hit on the ear. The pain got worse and the eardrum began to swell until around supper time, when we called the doctor. The doctor on call (not our own) said he'd see Sean that evening. So we took him in. He was really in pain now. The ear drum was swelling and the doctor thought it was on the verge of bursting. He prescribed a pain killer and penicillin for the infection.
On the way home though, the most peculiar thing happened. Even before we got the medicine, Sean fell asleep. We picked up the medicine, but since he was sleeping we didn't want to wake him up for that. We just put him to bed.
The doctor had warned us that he would probably be up most of the night because of the pain. But he slept right through the night. Next morning he awoke feeling fine; no problem with the ear at all. Sharon took him to the doctor's office and the man told her that, had he not seen the report from the previous evening, he's have a hard time believing there's been a problem.
The evening before, when we'd taken Sean to the office, just before we went in, I had a feeling that I was to speak to the doctor. As with the others the feeling came, "Him, you talk to him". I hadn't done anything that evening, of course, because of Sean. But I did pay him a visit a couple of days later, and he was most receptive. Sean was the link.
It’s Over
3 days ago
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