By Ray Hudson
The hands of the doomsday clock have been moved to within two minutes of midnight, the theoretical time of the great nuclear holocast. Never before has man been so close to annihilation by his own hand. Every day the various news media bring more news of disaster from all around the world. Disasters such as earthquakes, tornado, flood, drought, wars and threats of wars, economic collapse, ecological contamination by increasingly horrendous chemicals, and on and on and on.
It's not hard to understand why so many people give in to the overwhelming tide of negativity in the world and resign themselves to whatever the fates hold in store, convinced that they have no role to play and certainly no hope of changing anything anyway. They've lost hope in a better world, a better tomorrow.
It shouldn't come as a surprise. The Old Testament has chronicled these times for thousands of years. The New Testament as well, deals with these times in the final book, the Book of Revelations. The French physician and psychic, Nostradamus, wrote about these times almost four hundred years before they arrived. And in the last fifty or so years, there has been an unending stream of prophecies and warnings from psychics and scientists alike, who say we're in for big trouble now, not at some future time, if we don't get our act cleaned up as far as our treatment of our fellow human beings, not to mention the Earth that sustains us.
We are, I firmly believe, falling headlong into the Age of Tribulation, as the Bible calls it, or in a contemporary term, the transition period leading to the New Age.
Many people on this Earth are selfishly perpetuating the old ways, the old order, despite its short comings of racial and social inequality, irresponsible use, and abuse of power and wealth, and rampant greed and corruption.
Those who have a material stake in this old order choose not to look, or are blind to the changes, even now, starting to take place around us. Others, who are the victims of the systems of the old order have in many cases given in to feelings of futility, that they don't count and thus, can do nothing to improve the world and expecting nothing more than its eventual collapse with nothing beyond. Many have forgotten the promises of the new and beautiful age to follow, or else they simply cannot believe that such a thing could happen.
This book is for those who have clung steadfastly to the hope that somehow, things will indeed get better, even if they have to get worse first. Those that believe that the world can be cleansed and reborn, that the Age of Aquarius will indeed see 'peace guiding the planets, and love steering the stars'.
This book is for those who have lifted themselves through HOPE and FAITH, above the low and negative forces at work in the realm of twentieth century planet Earth.
This is a book of HOPE, and a story of FAITH. It tells the story of the last ten years in the life of Menno Pauls, and his family. Menno is, to all appearances, a most ordinary man. By profession he is a window cleaner. He doesn't drink or smoke but harbours an incredible passion for hamburgers. He is married to Sharon, and they have two boys, Steven and Sean. Menno is simply a quiet, unassuming, non-judgemental, gentle man.
As you will read in this account, they have, as a family, been called upon by powers far beyond our plane of existence, to do a job in preparation for the coming of the New Age.
In reference to this book, Menno has pointed out; "Right from the start we must understand the difference between FAITH and HOPE. FAITH is something personal that comes into being.... in the relationship between my human self and my spiritual self. HOPE, is something that I can convey to those around me. To me, the happenings of the last ten years have been an on-going development of personal FAITH. To the reader, the message is one of HOPE."
Those of us who are working to bring this awareness to those around us, to get the message conveyed, are involved in a project so large that it boggles the mind. Yet we have our jobs assigned. Now, you too, are becoming aware, and your role in the scheme of things will be defined when the time is right. In addition, ponder this; somewhere, at sometime, beyond your conscious memory, you volunteered your services. We are simply telling you, now, to stand by for action.
The responsibilities that Menno and his family have shouldered comprise their own unique task in this project. You probably will never be assigned anything quite so arduous. Then again, you might!
The vitally important aspects of this text are that you become aware, and build that awareness, hope, and faith, and prepare spiritually for what's to come. Just as an athlete must be in top physical condition to take on the challenge he has before him, so too, must you be in top spiritual condition to fulfill your assignment when the call to duty comes to you.
Rest assured also, that if you are reading this book right now, it's probably because you are already on the team. The option that you have now, as one of the aware, is to opt out. You will always have the free will to choose whether or not you'll participate. But it would be sad indeed if you chose not to walk into the New Age with us.
In this time of cults and false prophets, one must be very careful of the path taken, and the cause espoused. What we have in these pages is nothing more than a message, powerful though it is. Menno leads no group. There is no organization to join. There are no monetary dues to pay. All that is asked of you is that you develop your spiritual self so that you, in turn, may help others when the crunch comes, as it surely will.
You are not expected, or asked, nor is it even suggested that you divest yourself of what you have, or change what you do. If things are to be discarded, they are the mental things. Those things that are the self centered methods and philosophies of the age that is now passing away must be discarded. The important divestment right now is a mental, not a material, one. In return the acquisition should be a greater spiritual awareness, a positive attitude, and a love of all things. This, in turn, will clear your mental channels so that you may better hear what your conscious, your guides, and your God, have to say to you. Listen carefully.
All indications are that the end of the age is upon us and the time remaining to the final scenes is very short indeed.
Menno's story is being presented in this medium now, because there are many who must still be made aware; many that Menno cannot otherwise reach. This story is a living demonstration of FAITH and HOPE, and how it has been used to accomplish so much. It is certainly an eloquent example for us all.
Christ said, "He who seeks to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever seeks to lose his life will preserve it". In other words, concern yourself not with the material things, have HOPE, and concentrate on developing FAITH, and to your amazement, you'll find that all the things you require will be provided, that you are cared for!
Some people when 'awakened' want to get at it. They want something to do right away, to get into action. The often quoted lines by Milton are appropriate here, "They also serve who only stand and wait". This, in fact, is what most of us will be doing, waiting. But this isn't idle time.
This is a time to develop and stretch and exercise those spiritual muscles that you'll be relying on later. A few have tasks to do now. Some, like Menno, will continue contacting people and passing along the message. Some are learning about survival. Others still are learning about and practicing healing arts, and others, such as myself, are writing about it. Yet, by far, the greatest number of the aware will have little to do until the major changes, discussed in the book, occur. It's then, after the apocalypse, that the real job begins, the job of building a new world, to go along with the New Age.
There has been much written and published concerning the awesome events, that have been predicted, to bring about the end of this age. Part of this book deals with those events, but only to establish reference points for the discussions of what will occur in the positive arena, while the tide of negativity and destruction sweeps the rest of the globe.
The goal of this book isn't to dwell on the events that end the world as it now exists, but to deal with those people who are of the New Age, the seeds of the future, the seeds of time, and how they will traverse this winter of humanity.
We are ultimately concerned with the birth of the New Age, not the dissolution of the old. We deal with it only as a jumping off point to the future.
We seek to be positive wherever possible. There is far too much negativity afoot in the world as it is. Indeed, that is the very fuel upon which the apocalypse will feed, and although some of the events we must deal with in the book are, by their very nature, negative, the structure of this book is one of positivity and love, FAITH and HOPE. Take the positivity from it and build a positive attitude in all things. Build your stock of FAITH and HOPE. For, although it is generally agreed by many, that the major earth upheavals that have been predicted cannot now be averted, their intensity in terms of their effect on you and those around you can be much lessened. The power of positivity!
Lend this precious positive energy to everything you do. Don't dwell on the negative because your positive input right now will make all the difference in the world; this one, as well as the one coming up. Use what you read here to assist in your developement, but don't make this your only source. Clear those channels within so you can really hear what's being said. Remember, the best source for the necessary inspiration is within you, not in this book. You have only to seek it out.
Be careful to avoid, what is a human trait, confering some special status upon Menno, because of his experience and work on this mission. He's simply part of a team. A team that goes much farther than this primitive plane of existence. You are on that same team. There are no stars here. Ego is set aside. The mission is the important thing.
Menno, Sharon, and the boys, as well as many others who are unknown to you, have been in the field, actively working for quite a while already. That is no reason to put them in a special 'superstar' category. They are simply your brothers and sisters working toward a common goal, a new and better world, nothing more.
Whatever your age, whatever your station in life, you are now aware that you can be among the seeds of the future. Whether or not you germinate is entirely up to you. The fertilizers in this process are HOPE and FAITH. Use them copiously.
Through the coming years your HOPE, and your FAITH, will do much to lighten your burdens. They will allow you to see far beyond the horizons of this world.
FAITH and HOPE are your tickets to the New Age. You are now aware, be ready, and watch....... watch for the gathering of the Eagles.
Ray Hudson
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
September 20, 1981
It’s Over
5 days ago
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