"What is it that I need to learn?"
You are aware of the issues you have in not accepting others. You should really be looking at having patience and acceptance with yourself. You are hard on yourself in many ways. There is a judgement you are harbouring regarding yourself which was created a long time ago when you were not recognized as worthwhile. You keep trying to prove yourself to yourself. You are beginning to get it. Other people accept you more than you accept yourself. If you fully accepted yourself you would have a much easier time in accepting others.
"How do I proceed with this? "
You must begin to treat yourself well and with respect. You must care for yourself with proper diet and exercise. You must make yourself available to spirit on a regular basis. You need to learn to receive from others as easily as you are able to give to them.
"Is there a block to maintaining a healthy diet?"
You have to let the part that wants to overeat suffer in lack. Lack will not harm it, but it makes you think it will harm you. It is the disconnected one and it wants to keep you disconnected. When you feel the need to eat extra be gentle but firm with this part. Stand your ground. Realize the emotions which come up are caused by things from the past which are over. This part of you will not die. You are changing and it must change with you. You may have to overrule it many times. It is helping you learn patience and acceptance.
Author's note: I suspect that much of my channeled writing has more to do with me than anyone else, yet we humans have similar stories at times, and so I share this with you in the hope it may trigger some insight. I wrote this several months ago and when I re-read it today I understood what it actually says.
The second section has a different feel to it as though it is from a different source. It does complement the first section though.
Shall we continue?
Part of your difficulty with loosing weight has to do with fear. There are parts of you needing to be expressed. They are not horrific nasty parts as you suspect, but tender delicious parts which are easily overwhelmed and tend to stay hidden for safety. Why? They were trod on long ago and it just doesn't feel safe. You have made the issue be about the food, but this is not the case. As a spiritual being you have all the resources at hand that you will need. The problem is in remembering that you are a spiritual being in the difficult times. You will not die if you eat less although it does feel that way to you.
Let us give you some guidance. By the time you are wanting to overeat you have already well passed the point where you could conceivably have stopped yourself. At this point there is too much momentum built up to be able to divert yourself easily. This it why most over eaters believe they are powerless over what they eat. You are actually powerless over what life dishes up to you in terms of obstacles but you are not powerless over your own choices if you take the time to pre-plan.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Start your day with meditation or prayer, asking for help with your food.
2. When sitting down to a meal, before you start eating, check in with spirit for guidance as to what to choose from all that is available to eat. Then follow it.
3. Between meals, when you start to feel uncomfortable, check with your body to see what it needs. Don't just feed it. You may be tired, thirsty, or just needing to do something different for a while.
4. Once you have done this for a while you will get really good at reading your own signals and will begin to loose weight.
You have gotten this far many times before but instead of experiencing success you get swamped by all the baggage you are carrying and run to food for relief.
You need to put an end to the pain.
If it is current you must find a way to change it. Usually though, it is pain from the past. Again, it is well to ask for guidance from spirit.
It is necessary to get in touch with your core self, your spirit. Learn to spend time with it in meditation until you can feel the richness of it. Realize that everything else but your core self is of the physical world and you do not need it. Your relationships, your fears and challenges, your possessions and even your family are all extraneous to that core self. In other words, they are secondary in importance even though they may feel very important.
Everything is spirit. Your challenge is to stay connected to your center in the midst of it all. Most cannot maintain this yet, hence the pain that you all feel. Within your spirit there is no pain, no anger, no greed or need, no control or dependence. You see, we are actually dealing with emotions. The emotions are not in the core self, they are in its physical manifestations. Emotions are meant to be messengers to guide us, not hurt us.
Work with whatever it is that keeps coming up. It is easier if you connect with your core self to do it. If someone has taken something from you, release it to them with joy. If they have harmed you forgive them and ask them to forgive you. Do it in as many instances as it takes until you are able to release the issue.
If someone hasn't met your needs, it is not their job to do that. Go to your core and receive everything you need.
Your past is your story, it is not who you really are.
You will begin to see that it is possible to fill yourself from yourself with spirit. When you are full your remaining issues seem very small indeed.
There are many in spirit who are willing to help you with this. More than willing in fact, we will be delighted.
Let this get you started. Come to us on a daily basis. We are waiting for you and we hold you in much love.
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