In my awakening process, and you must understand, it's not everyone's awakening process, I had to start with a few pieces and build the picture as I went. As I grew with it, adjustments had to be made; some from within and some from without. It wasn't without anguish. In fact, at one point, I was ready to chuck the whole thing and quit.
Early in 1976, I started to actively contact people and tell them the story. I wasn't too far into it, maybe I'd contacted twenty or so, when I got this feeling to take a trip into the Laden area of the Fraser Canyon and see for myself what the pockets would look like; check them out first hand, so to speak.
"It was an exciting thought. I figured that I'd run into others in the same cause, doing related work, aware of what was going on. I was looking forward to meeting these neat people, exchanging notes, you know, like progress reports, on how our various missions were progressing.
Well, I went to the areas, and I was stunned. The places were there alright, but where were the provisions? There were people in these areas too, but they weren't aware of what was going on. I figured that to go along with what I was doing, there's be people who would be aware busily getting things all arranged. Stock piling food, supplies and getting ready for all these people that would be zapped into the pockets.
My scope of things was pretty small at that time, and it was this trip, this great let-down that in fact helped to enlarge my view of what was taking place, and what was going to take place. But right then, out there in the country, I was one very disillusioned boy. I was thinking, here I am way out on a limb telling people the story about the protection, and the pockets and all and what I was expecting to be in place to receive them wasn't there.
I felt betrayed. And as I was driving home through the Fraser Canyon, I was talking away to whoever was in charge up there, "That's it, that's it! I quit!" I was feeling personally responsible for the whole thing. I'd gone way out on a limb on this thing and there's nothing there. There are going to be a lot of disillusioned people there when the time comes and nothing is ready for them. And I couldn't handle that thought. I was angry. I was disillusioned and quickly becoming very depressed about the whole thing. Right there I was saying, "Go find someone else, I want out."
There! I had my say, and I was all talked out. So I was driving along very quietly for a while, just like a long period of silence after a storm.
"Look!", the voice came right into my mind, "don't you realize that there's no need to stockpile everything there? When it's time, the material things will all be there." Then the voice said, "Are you blind to the fact that the CNR, the CPR and the Trans Canada Highway go right through there (the Laden area)?" Then I was told that any material goods that were needed could be supplied simply by arranging to have any quantity of commodities in the area when the event occurs. You know, trains of wheat and other foodstuffs, semi-trailers on the highway, they'd have nowhere to go anyway. There would be no east, no west, they'd be stuck right there. Later in fact, I found out that some areas are provisioned and waiting, but not in this dimension. There'll be more on that later.
They said they could even arrange for people to be stuck there, like the passenger train. And you know, what they were really telling me was to wake up. That if my end can be set up, then so can the rest of it. They can do whatever is needed, when it's needed. They were telling me that this part of it was not really my concern, that I wasn't to fret about that end of the operation. "You do your job," they said, "somebody else is looking after those aspects, don't you concern yourself with that." Then I was told about the person who would be looking after things there. I was told about a shoe store manager in downtown Vancouver, that had coffee in the same restaurant that I did. They told me, he would be the one, but that for all kinds of reasons he wasn't ready to be made aware of it at that time.
What I was also told was that I was trying to find limits, or put limits on the bank account of God, so to speak. They told me that when I was dealing with God, I had a blank cheque. That whatever I was moved to tell people, whatever scenario I was motivated to paint, would occur. In other words, whatever the bill I ran up, the cheque would be good for the amount. "You write the cheques, leave the accounting to us."
"Well, there I was rather neatly put in my place. I sort of humbly went back to work. After that, my contacting escalated to about one a day to the end of the year, and by the end of 1977, I was up to two hundred a week at one point. But that trip was a major turning point in the whole thing for me.
"I had a dream one morning. In fact, the dreams were coming with such regularity that you could set your watch by them. They always came at five o'clock.
In this particular dream, I was working at a building washing windows on the sixth floor. Then I see myself talking with a man who looked just like Sean Connery. When I woke up, I told Sharon about the whole thing, then tucked it away and got ready to go to work.
On this same Saturday morning as the dream, I went to work cleaning windows. Time for a break. I came in from the outside of the building, onto the sixth floor. The whole floor was one big open accounting office with a board room at one end. While I was walking through the office, a man looked out of the open doorway to the board room....... and it was him. Sean Connery. Well, he sure looked like him anyway. The same guy I'd seen in the dream. Then it clicked. "There he is, he's the guy. Talk to him."
I still had my safety belt and other paraphernalia on. But I walked into the office and started talking with the man.
"I got this funny feeling about you," I said. "I'm not a psychic, but I get a feeling to talk to certain people..." Then I told him the story.
"It's funny, people are different you know. I would sort of automatically be able to look into whatever level they were at, mentally and spiritually, and relate to that person. That's the way I got the message across. And he was listening to what I had to say.
Anyway, while I was talking to Sean Connery, I noticed a young woman going by the door, which was still open. She seemed to have an ear cocked to what I was saying. I was sort of getting the feeling that I should talk with her as well. But when I finished talking with the man, I went back to cleaning windows.
The next thing I knew, the same man is at the window. "There's a young woman in the office," he said, "and she was sort of over hearing us and she wants to hear the story too." I said I'd talk to her.
When we sat down to talk she said, "You know what astounds me about this whole thing?" she says, "I'm open to what you're saying, but what really gets me is you talking to that man in there. He's a sceptic. A real tangible, down to earth, third dimensional person. And it just got me how he was listening to you, and not laughing or kicking you out."
I told her it happens all the time. That I was guided to people when their door is open. Somehow, somebody sets it up that I rendezvous with them at the right moment, throw the seed in through the crack and get the heck out. Then the door closes, but the seed is left behind. When the temperature gets to the right point, the seed germinates and it'll take off.
Bizarre is the word you'd have to apply to the situation and circumstances surrounding who to see and when. My car wasn't running right, so I took it to the shop for a tune up. I left it for the day and went to work. When I came back the car was ready. They'd done a major tune up and even steam cleaned the engine. For their trouble they wanted ninety dollars. I complained that I didn't want done all of what they did, but what the heck, I decided to pay for it anyway rather than make too much of a fuss.
As I drove the car away though, I noticed that the temperature gauge wasn't working. Well, I got a little upset. Ninety bucks I'd paid for the work and I've got a temperature gauge that doesn't work. And it was working fine when I took it in.
I went back to the manager of the shop and complained about it. He claimed that they hadn't even touched the thing. I demanded that they fix it anyway since it was working when I took the car in. He mucked around trying to fix it, all the time saying that he can't understand it, that they hadn't touched it.
Now, with him still denying any funny business with the gauge, I was starting to get a little hot under the collar. When all of a sudden the gauge came back to life. I thanked the manager and left. But I was still suspicious, he was just too defensive.
Now, to add insult to injury, the next day the car started running rough, really rough. I was thinking, "The shop gave me a three month warranty on the tune up, but I really don't want anything more to do with that manager..." when a shot comes to me.
"It's not his fault." just like someone beaming into my head, I was being told, "You're supposed to talk with him (the manager). That's how we marked him for you. After the experience with him before, I wasn't anxious to go back, but finally I decided I would. So I said to myself, right out loud, "Alright, I'll go talk to him." As soon as I said that, the car ran smooth.
I went to see the guy, and I apologized about the hassle over the gauge, and I told him that I had something to tell him. Now, I couldn't really explain about the gauge and motor acting up, but in a round about way I did tell him the story.
I said that if he found himself in a mountain valley at some point, just like out of the clear blue, he would know why. I told him, "Around you will be people. They will all know you. And you will be extraordinarily calm about it all. You will be unnaturally calm considering that in the twinkling of an eye you've been zapped from one world into another. All around people will be in a kind of shock. They won't know what's happened.
"At that time," I told him, "all hell will have broken loose in the major world centers. But no harm will come to you. In fact, you'll calm down these people."
I didn't say that he would try to calm them down, I said, "you will" and that he'd be the source of peace and comfort to these people around him.
"They'll be looking to you. You'll be the main gathering point, the nucleus, you and your wife, or whoever you're with. They will all home in on you because you'll be the common denominator.
This was the main message that I delivered to those I contacted. I also told them that the areas that they'd find themselves in would be protected as if there was an invisible shield covering the valley, protecting it.
If ever I had doubts about a contact, you know, whether or not I had the right one, strange things would happen to show that indeed I was on target.
I had a dream that showed me that I'd be talking to a bank messenger. "You go to (such and such) branch in Vancouver. He's in the branch with four other messengers, but you'll know which one. Go in and talk to him."
So I went to the bank, and sure enough, there he was. So I told him what I had to say. When I'd finished, he said, "I don't believe in that stuff. I'm closed minded about that." I said, okay, maybe I got the wrong guy. I was told he's be tough to reach, but I just excused myself and started to walk away.
"Wait", he said. "I want to tell you something." He called me back even though I was trying to break the contact. "It's a strange life," he says, "you know, I was in the war, the Korean conflict", he says, "and I was in a valley with two hundred guys. It was an ambush. We were caught by the enemy and everybody was wiped out but twelve guys. I was one of the twelve," he tells me. He thought that that was a miracle that he was alive.
"Well", I said, "I just told you that you'll find yourself in a certain situation and no harm will come to you. And now I leave it with you. You tie the two together. Why are you telling me this stuff right now when I'm leaving, crossing you off?" All the while though, inside my mind I get, "check... you got the right guy".
It’s Over
5 days ago
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