Wouldn't it be wonderful if what we see as NORMAL wasn't even real and we could create anything else instead?

Monday, January 4, 2010


This is the first in a series of six channelled messages. They are given one at a time and are only numbered until later when the title or titles will be given.

I decided to post each one as they are received. For me that is an exercise in trust.


We are well aware of your indecisiveness. You are restless and fidgety at times as though you need to do something but don’t know what it is. You do not always realize that you are no longer in a battle of light and dark, either within you or in the world as a whole. This pattern of many centuries is quickly ending. You may be surprised to know that the age of disclosure and rebuke has passed. Those tried and found wanting are still with us. If you were braced for the good fight, you can relax, as the need for that has passed also. Struggle is quickly losing its significance as a means to an end. Instead you are now being aided to heal yourselves and rebuild yourselves from the devastation of the prior decade where you have been left feeling as though you were part of the fight even if you were not actually fighting.

It is safe now to give up your vigilance and turn within to heal. It is as though the summit has been reached and now on the downward trek you find answers come to you, negatives are easy to release, values are changing and desires of the heart are once more guiding your actions. You are all feeling some movement in this direction.

Movement from hatred and war to love and peace is not an evolution that effects the heart but one which is caused by the heart. It is true; you are the creator of everything. How often you clung to those words and hoped they were true. Now it is coming clear in your experience that you are the creators and you are nearly speechless with amazement.

You thought that once you had the knack of creation mastered, you would have all the abundance you ever dreamed of. This is true dear ones, you will, but there is so much more to this than what you think you want. You see, what the universe has in store for you is everything, anything and all things of which you can conceive. You may have them all at once or in any manner you choose.

The great and infinite universe is not without humour though because it already knows that once you can easily create all things you will not need anything. You see, it will be the end of striving. This is a glimpse of the end of your current growth phase, the phase which is beginning now. Are you feeling that your daily pressures are becoming less and things which were once difficult to do are becoming easier? Does it seem like you want more time for relaxation and you are able to fit that more easily into your day. Are your priorities changing? If not yet then watch for these changes to begin to happen over the next few months. This feeling of relaxation and comfort is part of the new way that you are moving toward. It is a result of the work you have accomplished in the past that has opened you for this expansion of energy. It will still feel tiring for some time as the energies are heightened and changed. Do not be concerned by this, it is also encouraging you to take adequate rest which is what you need. Your job now is also less active. You will find as you begin to live more from the heart your main difficulties and strain will fall away.

We remind you to be diligent about nurturing your spirit daily. This may be done through meditation on your own or with a group. It is the only thing being asked of you now. Come energetically and also physically to join with others on like paths. Support one another in this regard. We want you to understand that anything else you may do is secondary to this.

We have much to discuss with you at a later time. For now, we leave you with a shower of blessings and love.

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