For The Harvest of the Earth is Ripe!
The tribulation, the holocaust, Armageddon, whatever you want to call it, seems to be almost upon us. Now, I don't want to come across as a doomsday prophet, but we are at the end of an age. The signs seem to be all about. Astrologically, it is the end of the Piscean Age and the start of that of Aquarius. For those less inclined to the so-called pseudo-science, the Israelites have a homeland. One solid sign from the bible that the age is closing.
We possess the means to annihilate all life on the planet through atomic weapons and now seem on the verge of it by actually talking about using them. There seems to be more and increasing moral corruption in all quarters of the affuent world, while the rest of it straves to death, and on and on and on. There are many publications that look in depth at supporting the arguments that the New Age is almost here.
It's not my role to convince anyone of that, nor is it my role to deal with the negative side of the event to any great depth. My role is concerned with the New Age, and the "seeds of time", the seeds of the garden of the new age.
But what of the autumn and winter which will precede the spring in this new garden? Briefly, here is what I've been given.
The things I have been shown run roughly along with the metaphors in the Bible, but not exclusively so. It would appear that the time of tribulation will occur in its beginning stages in North America, the new Babylon. In fact, given the economic crisis, and world wide humiliations that the United States have endured in just these past couple of years, it may already have started.
The main event, though, I believe, will be triggered by something catastrophic happening in North America. My best guess is an earthquake of unprecedented magnitude in the area of Southern California, more volcanic activity and so on. Natural events, so to speak. In fact, the sequence I saw was one of natural disaster followed very quickly by economic collapse, followed by a nuclear attack! And I was further shown that the attack would be precipitated by some action of the Pentagon. That was even alluded to in the writings of Nostradamus from the 1500's.
In August of 1979, I received a message, through a medium, that was so astounding I didn't want to face it. I was told that the period of tribulation that would start with the destruction of America, would end with the passing of a comet, such that the earth would in effect be sterilized by fire. That all life, except that which was sort of divinely protected, would be extinguished. To tell the truth, I'd been told about the comet in 1976, and I hadn't wanted to face it then either. So I blotted it out of my mind.
I was in an occult bookstore in Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) one afternoon, just browsing around. In fact, I had felt rather compelled to go there. Anyway, not long after I was there, a strange looking fellow approached me and said he had something to tell me, and that we should step outside.
When we'd left the store he told me about the comet. That it would be sort of the exclamation point at the end of the age. He said, This will be the sign that the comet is coming. He said, "when there is a civil war in Iran, strange things will happen. A man with a funny name starting with "K" will come to power through this disruption. He'll be like a crazy man.... and that will be your sign that the comet is on its way."
It was so stark, so ominous, that I told Sharon about the encounter, then promptly shoved it out of my mind. Then, what was it, four years later we sat and watched as the news programs reported the arrival from France of the Ayatollah Khomeine, to take charge after the flight of the Shah! Sharon asked, "What did that guy tell you in 1976?" Well, it all came back with a bang!
At the time of the encounter in 1976, Iran was the west's keystone of defense in the Middle East. There was no country more stable, or so it appeared, than Iran. To talk about a revolution there was ludicrous, right?
....we refer to the last verse of Luke, Chapter 17;
"And they answered and said unto him, where to Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together."
Do you know what the eagle is? It's a very high symbol. No matter what the culture, or where you come form, the eagle is always the highest symbol, excludng of course those cultures where the eagle didn't live.
In nature the eagle is the highest flying bird, the only creature in nature that can look directly into the sun and not destroy its eyes. From that you can draw the analogy to these certain people who are like eagles, spiritual eagles. They can look into the light of God, euphemistically, the sun, without being destroyed. You know, that analogy to the eagles has come time and time again when referring to the likes of you, to whom I'm speaking. THE CODE WORD IS EAGLES! And the eagles are being gathered together.
High on a mountain
overlooking the valleys,
two men stand looking down
upon the place of refuge.
One of them,
the younger of the two asks
"Are the eagles all here?
are they all safe?"
The older one with weather beaten features
in farmer's clothes
raises his right arm and makes
a wave-like motion towards the sky.
The air is suddenly filled
with a multitude of shining figures
some so bright
they seem next to invisible.
Beams of rainbow colored lights
flash to the older one
and then he says
"Yes, my son
the Eagles are all safe
the Eagles are home
for the night.
My main role is with those eagles. Waking them up, making them aware. The 'body' of believers will remain totally unaware until after the event. Then it becomes the job of the Eagles to explain what has happened.
Again too, I'd like to stress that this discussion of the 'Christ' is of a spiritual, not religious nature. There are no boundaries here as far as religious dogma, one does not have it over the other, one isn't better than the other. For these purposes, those that have it, so to speak, over the others, are those that have achieved the Christ Consciousness regardless of whether or not they're labelled it as such.
Speaking of waking them up, the Eagles that is, very strange things will occur preceding the holocaust. There will be a light that will be seen around the world simultaneously. It will be visible to the naked eye, everybody will see it, and it will occur right before the action. It is the sign of the start It's really so hard to believe, but it's the sign that the final tribulations are about to start.... WITH A BANG! This is believed to be the vision that was given to those girls at Fatima. They passed on the information to the Roman Catholic Church in Rome and it was viewed only by Pope John XXIII, who is said to have paled when he read it, not revealing to the world its contents. Officially at any rate.
Fatima, however, wasn't the only place where this was revealed. Nostradamus writes of it. John the Revelator in Revelations saw it. The beginning of Chapter 18;
"I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power. And the Earth was lighted by his glory."
Then he goes on to talk about the destruction of Babylon, the U.S. many believe, about this most affluent place being destroyed by fire in one hour.
"... Babylon the great is fallen..."
(then verse 8) "therefore shall her plaques come in one day. Daeth, mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the God who judgeth her."
"... for in one hour such great riches is come to naught."
So there it is. At the beginning of that chapter of Revelations John saw an angel having great authority come and light the world with his splendor. And it will be unnatural because we can't conceive of the whole globe being hit at the same time.
Then it goes on to talk about the sleeping souls being taken out just before all hell breaks loose. In verse four John says;
"and I heard a voice from heaven saying, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plaques."
Then comes the destruction, while the world watches;
"And the kings of the Earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her and lament her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying, 'Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgement come."
Now, what does that describe? What is the wealthiest most affluent place on the globe right now? The Babylon of modern times? I would say that's a pretty vivid picture of North America.
As I've said before, my concern is with the counter-action that will happen with the 'seeds of time', the 'seeds of the future'. The positive people. When they are taken out of an area, that area will collapse on itself. It's as if these people are the keystones of the society of which they are a part. When every positive person is taken from Vancouver (Canada) that city will die. The negativity will just kill it. And that's why the reference to Noah and Lot. As soon as they'd departed.. the roof fell in. I think this shows that the world will continue as usual until those keystones are removed.
It’s Over
3 days ago
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