The Pockets
On a planet
going through a time of great change
it's magnetic blanket rewoven
it's continents and seas overturned
it's races of humanity
tossing to and fro
in a fever of annihilation
there are those places
as if by divine intervention
wherein dwell
the seeds of the future...
"the seeds of Time".
Here a series of mountain valleys
will protect and nourish
the highest strains of humanity
against the harshness of this winter of humanity
just like acorns
lying snug and warm beneath a blanket of snow
holding within their core
the promise of
a "New Tomorrow".
It's as if there are seeds, or a species of people that are being brought into cacoons like caterpillars. Then, winter strikes the garden, everything dies in the harshness of it. In the spring time, the cacoons open up and the beaufiful butterfly emerges. There is a metamorphasis going to take place inside the pockets; Inside these places of supernatural safety.
It will be unnatural, supernatural, how people will live. You know, when I was contacting people I was doing it on two levels. On one level I was delivering the message verbally, while om quite another level I was activating something that can only be described as a power circuit, a power source.
Everyone has, shall we say, one circuit that they operate on in this plane; just as if they are hooked into a power source of thsi plane. But the people that I contact, these eagles, have what is best described as a second circuit compatiable with a power supply not of this plane.
When the power goes off in a city, certain places such as radio stations, police departments and hospitals switch over to an auxilliary power supply and carry on. Now with people, the evolution into the material and away from the spiritual can be likened to their going onto auxilliary power years ago, operating in the material and losing entirely their primary circuit. When the things I've been talking about occur, the power supplying that auxilliary level will fail and that'll be it, game over, so to speak.
Now with the sleeping souls, their primary circuits have been kept open unconsciously by themselves and their guides. The Eagles are having their primary circuit activated by contacts such as myself and they even now, are starting to draw power from that primary source. They will switch over to that primary source entirely when the power supply on the material plane fails.
These unique people, you unique people have your primary circuit tripped already and it's being warmed up now ready for the power failure.
When that power failure occurs, the transition to the pockets of protection will take place. In these pockets like the analogy of a cacoon, the metamorphasis will take place and a new race, more highly evolved will emerge into the new garden of the new age.
As I've said before the initial boost will be dramatic, then there will be a gradual and steady elevation in vibration rate. At first, except for the location, things will be pretty normal as far as life function is concerned. But even this normalcy will be peculiar. You'll eat and drink and require shelter as normal. Now some of those in the pockets won't be able to deal with the transition despite the help they'll receive as soon as they arrive. They'll be unable to accept that they can continue living through an atomic holocast, or perhaps they'll return mentally to the material planes out of fondness for possessions they have left. They will die, even in the pockets. The sad part is that it will happen, simply because people won't be able to accept that they can live.
This is a very, very important task of the Eagles. They are the ones who must explain to the new kids on the block exactly what's happened, why they are still living and how to stay that way.
It's a job of healing of sorts. The magnitude of what is going to occur is one thing when you deal with it in the abstract, as we can only do without acrtually experiencing it. But dealing with it as a fact is going to be staggering enough for those of us aware and prepared, let alone for those who'll be taken totally unawares.
The healing comes in dealing with the shock they'll experience when it dawns on them what's occurred. And don't underestimate my friends, the impact it will have. Neither underestimate it's impact on you. You however, will be able to deal with it through meditation and prayer.
You'll have to teach these newcomers how to deal with it safely. Minds will be shattered through the dislocation of their world, everything they've known, held onto for security, gone. Only they remain, in a new and strange place. Certain people, such as yourselves, have been brought to the realization and acceptance that the world, life as it is now, will disappear. Others have not.
What they must realize is that the old image of life will change. Like an old tattered coat being sluffed off, the outer covering will change. There will be that evolutionary up-stepping going on in order to be compatiable with the planetary up stepping which will be going on simultaneously to bring about this new garden.
NOTE: To Be Continued.
It’s Over
5 days ago
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